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Phoenix Premises Liability Attorneys 

Fighting to Recover After an Accident on Someone Else’s Property

Premises liability claims arise from accidents and injuries caused by unsafe, negligent, or defective conditions on someone’s property. If you or a loved one have been injured because of a property owner’s negligence, IBF Law Group can evaluate your case, establish liability, and fight to recover the damages you are owed. 

Get started on building your case today by scheduling a free 30-minute case consultation. Telephone our team at (602) 833-1110

Arizona Premises Liability Law 

Legally, property owners, landlords, and business owners owe a duty of care to people on their property, especially if those properties are open to the public. Property owners are legally obligated to eliminate any hazards or warn others about existing hazards that cannot be immediately resolved. For instance, if a homeowner knows the stair runners are loose, they should warn guests as this is a tripping hazard and have the runners repaired. 

Arizona premises liability law places people who enter properties in three separate categories: invitees, licensees, and trespassers, and property owners owe each group a specific duty of care. 

  • Invitees are people who have been given implied or express permission to enter a property for business purposes, such as customers at a store or local business. Property owners must inform invitees of any potential property hazards, including broken railings, slippery floors, defective stairs, etc. 
  • Licensees are people who enter and visit a property with permission for non-business-related purposes, such as party guests. If there are any concealed or obvious hazards on a property, the property owners owe licensees a duty of care and must warn them of any potential dangers. 
  • Trespassers are people who enter a property without permission from the owners. While no duty of care is owed to adult trespassers, property owners do have a duty to protect child trespassers. If it can be proven that a property owner knew about dangerous property conditions, believed that a child could or was likely to trespass near the hazard, and failed to exercise reasonable care, they can be held liable for the child’s injuries and damages. 

Types of Premises Liability Lawsuits 

Many different types of negligence-related accidents fall under the umbrella of premises liability cases. Common types of premises liability cases include: 

  • Dog bites/animal attacks
  • Amusement park accidents
  • Falling objects/merchandise 
  • Ceiling collapse cases
  • Fire, toxic gas, or chemical accidents 
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Water leak/flood accidents 
  • Elevator & escalator accidents 
  • Negligent (or inadequate) security claims 
  • Slip/trip and fall claims 
  • Snow/ice accidents 

Proving Negligence in a Premises Liability Case

In a premises liability case, establishing that the property owner or manager was negligent in maintaining a safe environment for visitors is paramount.

Proving negligence means proving the following three things:

  • The property owner knew or should have known about the hazardous condition
  • The property owner failed to take reasonable steps to fix or warn about the hazard
  • The hazardous condition directly caused the injury

The Phoenix premises liability attorneys at IBF Law Group have a proven track record of successfully proving negligence in these types of cases. We will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your injury, prove you're entitled to damages, and fight to hold the responsible party accountable for your damages.

Eight Steps to Take After a Premises Liability Injury 

Whether you are injured in a snow or ice accident or a dog bite/attack, taking action after the incident can help strengthen your case. After suffering injuries in an accident on someone else’s property, you should take the following steps. 

  1. Seek medical attention. Depending on the type and severity of the accident, you may need emergency medical care. Even if your injuries are minor or you believe you are unscathed, you should still ensure you are checked out by a medical professional. A doctor can advise you on what symptoms to look out for and help you avoid suffering from future complications. Also, medical records and notes from a medical professional concerning your injury and condition can help support your case. 
  2. Report the accident. You should tell the “proper authorities” about the accident and where it took place. Whether the property authority is the homeowner, a store manager, the landlord, or a homeowner’s association, you should make an effort to ensure the property owner knows about the accident. Some business owners and organizations may ask that you complete an incident report. 
  3. Take photos. After a premises liability accident, you should take photos of the scene of the accident and your injuries. These photos can be very helpful for your case as property owners may later fix the issues that caused your accident. 
  4. Get witness information. If anyone saw what happened, you should get their name and contact information; their statement can be used to support your claim. 
  5. Write down what happened. Whether you record a voice note or save a note on your phone, you should record your recollection of what happened. Over time, your memory may fade, and it can be helpful to have your immediate memories concerning, what happened, where you were, who was there, and any other details you notice.
  6. Keep updated records. You should keep copies of your medical records and any bills or receipts for expenses related to your injuries and damages. 
  7. Limit your contact with insurance companies. Insurance company representatives do not have your best interest in mind, and they will use any information you tell them to build a case against you. Their primary goal is to offer you the lowest settlement award possible. 
  8. Contact our premises liability attorneys. The sooner you contact our attorneys, the sooner we can get to work on helping you minimize your liability and maximize your compensation. Our attorneys can handle the case legalities and help you understand your legal rights and options while you take the time you need to recuperate. 

Get Legal Help from Our Phoenix Premises Liability Lawyers 

At IBF Law Group, we are committed to providing our clients with high-quality representation. If you or a loved one have been injured because of negligent conditions on someone else’s property, our firm is here and prepared to help you build a solid case. Victims of property owner negligence can seek compensation for: 

  • Medical expenses (past and future) 
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Lost wages (past and future) 
  • Emotional distress 

Schedule a free initial consultation today by calling (602) 833-1110

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